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The effect of stimulations, external or internal, is to break up the unison of action of some part or the whole of the brain. A speculative suggestion is that the disturbance in some way breaks the unity of the actual pattern that has been previously built up in the brain. The brain then selects those features from the input that tend to repair the model and to return the cells to their regular synchronous beating. I cannot pretend to be able to develop this idea of models in our brain in detail, but it has great possibilities in showing how we tend to fit ourselves to the world and the world to ourselves. In some way the brain initiates sequences of actions that tend to return it to its rhythmic pattern, this return being the act of consummation or completion. If the first action performed fails to do this, fails that is to stop the original disturbance, then other sequences may be tried. The brain runs through its rules one after another, matching the input with its various models until somehow unison is achieved. This may perhaps only be after strenuous, varied, and prolonged searching. During this random activity further connexions and action patterns are formed and they in turn will determine future sequences. (Gutenberg Galaxy 4)
In Young's "speculative suggestion"
stimulations disturb not limbs or sense organs but
"unison of action". As in Hall,
activity in its temporal dimensions is the
category of
analysis. The citation culled by McLuhan is
Young sandwiched between discussions of the
child. As intersubjective process, learning
place in the presence of parents or peers and is
characterized as gradual, incremental and
Such a scheme is alien to McLuhan. As
above, "closure" and
are terms he introduces. Furthermore what he
characterizes as an inevitable drive towards
equilibrium between self and environment is in
Young a
tendency not a necessity: "we tend to
ourselves to the world and the world to
ourselves." This tentative telos is
the intersubjective core of Young's discourse (n6).
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The brain is continually searching for fresh information about the rhythm and regularity of what goes on around us. This is the process that I call doubting, seeking for significant new resemblances. Once they are found they provide us with our system of law, of certainty. We decide that this is what the world is like and proceed to talk about it in those terms. Then sooner or later someone comes along who doubts, someone who tries to make a new comparison; when he is successful, mankind learns to communicate better and to see more. ( Doubt and Certainty 11)
Proper use of analogies, for Young, serves
learning and
serves progress. Assured of its power to
communication and produce knowledge, he privileges
resemblance seeking. As implied by the
metacritical accent heard if but sub
voce in the hiatus between recognition
establishment, the identification of resemblance
is but
part of reasoning by analogy.
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[A]ll human artefacts are extensions of man, outerings or utterings of the human body or psyche, private or corporate. That is to say, they are speech, and they are translations of us, the users, from one form into another form: metaphors. (Laws of Media 116)
The relation between technology and metaphor is
a metaphor but not one of substitution, either
for genus or vice versa. For McLuhan,
metaphors have four components in analogical
ratio" (28). The four
terms in McLuhan's formulation are technology,
metaphor, extension and translation. How are
to stand in relation to each other? The
declaration "technologies, like words, are
metaphors" (Global
8) suggests the
technology and
metaphor, belong to separate ratios of the
equation and the analogy is to be read as:
artefact is to extension as metaphor is to
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