Instructional Systems Design
Step One: set the measure of success
State the desired outcomes. Who is to do what when. You might have to
refine this several times.
Step Two:list all the ingredients of success
Identify the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be included in
the course task analysis. One useful method is to understand which
the five types of learning (verbal recall, attitude, motor skill,
intellectual skill, cognitive strategy) enhance the realization of
the desired outcomes.
Step Three: list the ingredients on hand
Assess participant knowledge, skills, and attitudes
Step Four: Calculate
Adjust the results of Step One and Two in light of the
findings of Step Three
ISD for training in a workplace environment involves
Task Analysis
- Identify the task in each function and process
- Identify the physical environment in which tasks was to be
- Determine motivation for performance
- Determine inputs and outputs of the tasks
- Determine consequences of not performing tasks properly.
- Select the tasks which require training
For any environment ISD involves
Audience Analysis
- What skills and knowledge do they already have about the topic?
- Do they have any misconceptions about the topic?
- What attitudes do they have about the content and delivery
- What are their educational and ability levels?
- Do they have any learning preferences?
Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation, Evaluation