
Introduction to Humanities Computing

Course Outline

1. What is a computer? (2 Weeks)

Beekman, Computer Confluence - Chapters 1 and 2, then 3 and 4
Required Web Browsing
Introduction to Computers
The Virtual Museum of Computing
A Chronology of Computer History
Searchable Timeline of Humanities Computing

2. The Internet and Computer Assisted Communications (2 Weeks)

Computer Confluence - Chapters 9 and 10
Required Web Browsing
Interactive Timeline of Humanities Computing History
Internet Timeline
Internet Demographic Survey
Information Policy Resources
Information Policy for Canada

3. The Electronic Text (2 Weeks)

Computer Confluence - Chapters 5 and 6
Required Web Browsing
TACTweb Text-Analysis Environment
Society of the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing
OASIS formerly know as "SGML Open"
Oxford Text Archive
Voice of the Shuttle: Technology of Writing
Copyright and Intellectual Property
Humanities Text Initiative
Victorian Women Writers Project

4. Hypertext and Hypermedia (1 Week)

Computer Confluence - Chapters 7 and 8
Required Web Browsing
All about hypertext - Hypertext Places - Follow links from there.
"As We May Think" by Vannevar Bush

5. Operating Systems and Human Computer Interaction (2 Weeks)

Computer Confluence - TBA
Required Web Browsing
Human Computer Interaction

6. The Electric Image (2 Weeks)

Computer Confluence - TBA
Required Web Browsing

7. What is Humanities Computing and where is it going? (1 Week)

Computer Confluence - Chapters 10 and 14
Required Web Browsing
What is Humanities Computing?

*IHC - 1A03E *Humanities Computing Centre *Faculty of Humanities
Prepared by François Lachance
Spring 1999.