MM 1A03E Tutorial

Monday, May 10, 1999

Administrative Stuff

Please sign up for CIS services on MUGSI if you have not done so already. Visit You must register with MUGSI to log on to Windows in the computer labs and to use e-mail.

Also, please sign up for the class electronic discussion list. Francois has put up instructions for this at

A Little Background Information...

The computers at McMaster University are all, in one way or another, connected to a mainframe. (The Mac computer mainframe is in Gilmour Hall.) This mainframe has several different servers. A server is a part of the mainframe to which you can connect your computer to exchange information. You might connect to a server to print from a networked printer, to access your e-mail account, or to visit a McMaster webpage.

Note that McMaster has 2 main e-mail servers: MUSS and MCMAIL.

Windows NT

Log on to Windows NT (Network) in the McMaster computer labs with your CIS user name and password (given to you by MUGSI). We will learn more about Windows soon.


TELNET is an environment for connecting your computer, the client, to a host. TELNET is also called an emulator utility, because it enables your computer to emulate, or become like, the host.

Load up the TELNET application in Windows NT. (Check under "Campus Applications" on the desktop.) Log on to your e-mail account with your CIS user name and password.


UNIX is the operating system for many servers, including those at McMaster. The UNIX OS is generally indicated by a % prompt.

When you log on to your McMaster e-mail account, you will see muss%, a prompt which means that your are in UNIX on the MUSS server. Type ls and push the ENTER key at this prompt to view the contents of your MUSS account. Type pine and push the ENTER key to get into your e-mail account.


Once you have entered PINE, you will see the MAIN MENU. Choose a command by typing in the appropriate letter or symbol. You will find that each section in PINE has its own commands, which are listed at the bottom of the screen; note that ^ means to hold the CONTROL key.

You can usually return to the MAIN MENU by typing M. The MAIN MENU has 7 options.

  • For your ADDRESS BOOK, type A.

  • For other options, try SETUP (S).
  • To QUIT, use Q. Confirm withY, then type LOGOUT and push the ENTER key.

  • Very Important: Finishing Up

    Make sure that you log out out of both PINE and Windows when you are done, or else someone may get into your accounts!

    This page copyright Gord Roberts, May 1999.

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