May 1999

François Lachance
has raided his files...

Offering 08

Two books. Same publisher. Same series. Big differences.

Review of books by Charles Levin and Stuart Sim on Jean Baudrillard and Jean-François Lyotard at Romanticism on the Net

Offering 07

Intellectual Itinerary

Theory meets autobiography

Offering 06

Gutterman: A Critique of His Critique
Or Poor PoMo Masculine Speculations

A look at how a "nice guy" overlooks split addressee and turns the position of overhearing into a central subject position yet claiming to espouse multiple identities

Offering 05

Cognitive Styles: Chaos and Its Stories

A short excursion into Hayles on Lyotard and on Gleick.

Offering 04

The Making of a Para-Academic

2 pages of notes for a professional developement session

Offering 03

The Written, the Archived and the Active

One page presentation on tracking costs of Computer Mediated Communication and Instruction

Offering 02

Plowing Through the Thesis

3 pages of notes to avoid writer's block
Plow is linked to works by Fadi Abou-Rihan and Geoffrey Rockwell

Offering 01

Bibliography and Theory: De Man reading Riffaterre reading Hugo and Avital Ronell's The Telephone Book

18 paragraphs of detailed and winding reading