Courage: | Temperance, some of us have perceived your mentioning "confusion" twice before not far from here. |
Prudence: | Yes, it can be quite confusing to be continuously pointing out semantic confusions. |
Temperance: | Well, such fussing over the confusing confusions! Where a little attention to my first mention would have saved me from making a second. If I recall correctly, I was suggesting, pointing out, indicating some confusion between wisdom and knowldege as well as between "learning" and "knowing". Now it appears Prudence is willing to conflate the two distinctions which I took such delicate pains to demarcate. And as, you may all well know I do consider that the gerund is not an exact synonym for the abstract noun. Never was and never could be, at least, by my grammar. (Courage, remember your own little game with "knowldege" and "knowing" in close proximity to my timely indications of confusions?) |
Justice: | How now, we have plurality of confusions. |
Courage: | Hmmm, this seems to relate to that bit about possession and knowledge and possession and knowing. Oooo, I daren't parse that. |
Prudence: | But you should try. Rather interesting to contemplate the notion of possession in an activity versus the notion of possession in, (or is that _of_?), an object. |
Temperance: | Prepositions aside, this possession stuff and this knowing stuff sounds awfully carnal. |
Justice: | How did carnality enter into it? Err, come out of it? |