Known to have coined the expression "faux pomo"
and composed a study that tests the discursive limits of current models of the human sensorium
François Lachance, a would be scholar-at-large
pictures pointing to the words linking graphic fluency with <!-- hidden comments -- > and with
Hand, Eye and Brain: designing for voice, vision and mind
Syllabi: courses taught and teachable
Of Drugs, Messages and Time
Archives, Archivers and Achievement
Notes on Interactivy
Searching and Reading
A Cardinal Virtues' Dialogue (yes, all four of them babble)
No Big Words, a rhetorical exploration of the complex simplicity of monosyllables
The Written, the Archived and the Active
Guide to the Rhetoric of Discussion Lists
Sense: Orientations, Meanings, Apparatus
Metadrama and Computer-Mediated Communication
Studies in Hypertext Theory
LOOSE >>> various offerings
Q-Rhetor >>> Clioscope & other pieces
Sine Die

For those interested in
Computing and the Humanities
Humanist, the discussion group
moderated by
Willard McCarty

Proceedings from two annual online conferences about online teaching:

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